Training Overview

The objective of this course is to increase the existing individual skills of each student in the techniques and procedures of The Benjamin Guard combat shooting curriculum. Students will be introduced to the most current concepts and skills designed to increase weapons handling efficiency, target acquisition, engagement speed, and accuracy while maintaining a focus on the combat application of each drill.

We will focus on close-quarters marksmanship that includes rifle presentations, rifle-to-fist transitions, individual recovery drills, shooting while moving, movement to cover, engaging threats from angles, trigger management, sight management, and recoil management as well as combat and tactical reloading procedures. We will then focus on delivering the tactics, techniques, and procedures needed to shoot, move, and communicate in the urban landscape. Students will receive training in how to select, occupy, and use cover tactically while engaging targets from various firing positions. Students will be trained on how to engage threats using both sides of the body, how to identify and clear stoppages quickly and efficiently, and conduct fire and maneuver drills to safely close distance with the threat.

These drills will allow students to employ critical thinking and develop higher levels of situational awareness during a realistic urban engagement scenario.

Students will be assessed throughout the course utilizing various assessment criteria that include The Benjamin Guard Operator Standards drills, question and answer, and instructor feedback.

The Benjamin Guard Training

The Benjamin Guard provides individuals with diverse and specialized skills in firearms and personal protection.