RDS Handgun (civilian and LEO)
Training Overview
Basics of handgun red dot use, transitioning from traditional iron sight use, considerations for optic selection, maintenance, proper use, malfunction mitigation and real world applications.
Gear List
Eye/Ear pro
Handgun (semi auto) with RDS and back up iron sights, 3 magazines minimum
800 rounds handgun ammo
Handgun weapon light encouraged, secondary handheld light required
Civilian – belt with holster that accepts both RDS and weapon light (if needed), NO paddle holsters, NO serpa holsters
LEO – duty rig OR applicable issued plater carrier/response vest
LEO – minimum level IIIA armor, plate carriers or team setup are fine
Handgun cleaning kit
Extra batteries for everything
Weather applicable clothing (PLEASE check the forecast before, its Texas, anything can happen and probably will)
Optional but encouraged – knee pads, elbow pads, snacks
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The Benjamin Guard Training
The Benjamin Guard provides individuals with diverse and specialized skills in firearms and personal protection.